As Nevadans, it’s too easy to take for granted our access to spectacular wildlands and wildlife. But the special places we cherish are at risk. In collaboration with landowners, non-profits, government agencies, advocacy groups and passionate individuals like you, Nevada Land Trust works to protect, preserve and enhance Nevada’s wild land, water and wildlife. Join us.

Landowner Spotlight
“Living in California, it was startling to see how fast prime farmland was being paved over, and I could see it starting in Nevada as well. I became very interested in preserving farmland and open space.” Get to know Jim Greil, owner of Greil Ranch, NLT’s first conservation easement.

Current Project
Next time you enjoy a ride or a hike on the spectacular Incline Village Flume trail, thank Cheryl and David Duffield. Working with the Nevada Land Trust, this couple’s donation made public access to the trail possible.