2022 Conservation in the West Poll Shows Nevadans Strongly Support Conservation

2022 Conservation in the West Poll Shows Nevadans Strongly Support Conservation

The Colorado College State of the Rockies Project has released its annual Conservation in the West poll, once again showing that Nevadans strongly support conservation action and policies to protect our open space and natural resources.

No matter the issue, Nevadans in the survey made clear the seriousness they feel about caring for the environment. Eighty-seven percent of us are concerned about droughts and reduced snowpack, 78% nervous about more frequent and severe wildfires, and 76% see climate change as a serious threat.

The Conservation in the West poll shows 85% of Nevadans saying that candidates’ environmental and conservation positions are among voters’ top considerations. We are ready for big action, with 77% supporting the 30 x 30 initiative (to preserve 30% of land and water by 2030), and 69% favoring a reduction of oil and gas drilling on public lands.

"Nevadans care deeply about these issues, no matter where they live, so we're not surprised by the strong support for conservation," said Alicia Reban, executive director of the Nevada Land Trust. "Whether protecting lands along the Truckee or Carson River, preserving public access along the Sierra Front in Douglas County, or partnering with ranching families in Elko to protect working lands, there is a deep and abiding love for land and water in Nevada for wildlife, recreation, and for protecting Nevada's rich history and culture. Land trusts like Nevada Land Trust are all about taking action every single day to conserve these precious resources." 

These numbers are reflected throughout the Mountain West, with 89% of voters seriously concerned about the adequacy of the water supply and 74% agreeing that public lands help the economy. Colorado College surveyed typically underserved populations and found higher percentages of Black, Latino, and Native American voters to be concerned about conservation issues, as well as overall more supportive of bold policies. The Colorado College State of the Rockies Project surveyed approximately 400 voters in the Mountain West states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. More information can be found here.

  • NV survey highlights